Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Long Absence

Well, I fell off the face of the earth for awhile.

It was just, well, it wasn't a very good time for me back then. There was a lot of stuff going on and I was a bit depressed. And then so much time had passed that it seemed awkward to try to blog again. Plus I was never really good at it, always having trouble thinking of what to blog and what not.

But, NaNoWriMo is upon me (us!) again and I just couldn't stay away any longer. I remembered how much I enjoyed the blog at the times when it didn't feel like an obligation and thought, why not?

So here I am! NaNoWriMo will be here in eighteen days and I can't wait for it!

Also, as a wrap up for last years Nano, I barely squeaked by with 50,570 words. I hope to do better this year, but I'm also more busy this year so I'll just have to wait and see.

(Is anyone else about to burst with anticipation for NaNoWriMo or is it just me?!?!?)


(Oh, and on a side note there was a lot of spam comments on my blog so I've changed things so that if you want to comment you've gotta do the image identification thingy. Sorry, I know it's annoying , but there was like hundreds of spam comments. Also, I apologize if I deleted any legit comments. There was so much spam it was difficult to really look at each individual comments.)

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